Dating websites for adults with learning difficulties

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Socialising All of our services provide opportunities to get to know others through activities in the community. Who is Con Bridge for. Real relationships start online every single day, join us and become one of those lucky people. We make disability dating as easy as 1,2,3. Online dating removes physical barriers, and we provide a place to meet where the social barriers also melt away. Whatever your disability dating isn't something you should be missing out on. We recognise this and treat people as individuals. Disabled dating, enabled everywhere.

Luv2meetU Luv2meetU aims to provide support to people with learning disabilities to widen their circle of friends and develop friendships and relationships — helping to combat isolation and loneliness and improve overall health and wellbeing. Based on a three year, qualitative research project carried out across the UK, the report describes people's experiences of 'coming out', relationships, discrimination and abuse. It also looks at responses from staff and services, meeting other lesbian, gay and bisexual people, and dreams for the future. The following resources based on the research are available to download: Guide to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic and bullying for young people with disabilities and those with special educational need Pupils who have a disability or have learning difficulties are significantly more likely to experience homophobic bullying than their mainstream classmates, according to a charity which has produced a guide for teachers on tackling the problem. Accessible relationship booklets from CHANGE Friendships and relationships: covers making friends and issues of trust, honesty and dealing with disagreements. Physical attraction is also covered and the booklet looks at developing a relationship, ending a relationship, being on your own, personal safety and making choices. The DVDs are aimed at young people with learning disabilities and cover a range of topics including the ways bodies change in the transition from childhood to adulthood, sex, relationships, contraception, consent and emotions linked to sex and relationships. Information about sexuality, safe sex and contraception for people with learning disabilities All the resources in this range of materials from the Family Planning Association FPA - including the award-winning 'All About Us' CD or DVD - can be used by teachers and other professionals working with people with learning disabilities, as well as by their parents and carers. Resources on sex from CHANGE Sex and masturbation: easy read booklet from CHANGE which explains what sex and masturbation are. Safe sex and contraception: easy read booklet which covers sexually transmitted infections, how to avoid them and where to go for treatment, and what contraception is — the different types, how it works and where to go for advice.

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